On Nov. 4, 2015, the United States Air Force planned to launch an experimental rocket for small...
The black hole record books have just been rewritten. A black hole about 10 times more massive...
Glowing in the Pegasus constellation are five apparently closely packed galaxies known as Stephan’s Quintet — and...
On Oct. 25, the moon’s shadow swooped in front of the sun during the last partial solar...
The origins of a dwarf planet that lurks at the outer edge of the solar system that...
These galaxies may look like they are performing a cosmic waltz, but the spirals are actually trapped...
The massive gravity of galaxy cluster MACS0647 is gravitationally lensing several other systems in this image. (Image...
The U.S. midterm elections of 2022 are on Tuesday (Nov. 8), and several key races have the...
The International Space Station (ISS) just took evasive action to dodge a fragment of a satellite destroyed...
A powerful eye in the sky is helping scientists spy “super-emitters” of methane, a greenhouse gas about...