Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size rocky world, or “super-Earth,” that’s hot enough to melt gold and, as...
A Russian cargo ship ended its eight-month orbital stay with an intentional death dive into Earth’s atmosphere...
Changes in Earth’s atmosphere resulting from climate change are working against efforts to clean dangerous debris out...
While the James Webb Space Telescope is already revealing new insights into the deepest recesses of the...
NASA’s highly anticipated UFO study is about to begin, and we now know who will conduct it....
Al Savage is the manager of the StarFire Network within the Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) at John...
An analysis of lunar samples returned by China’s Chang’e 5 moon mission has produced a new possible...
An Indian rocket will launch 36 of OneWeb’s internet satellites to orbit on Saturday (Oct. 22), and...
The ozone hole that forms yearly over Antarctica has grown for the third year in a row. ...
Russia launched two more military satellites to orbit on Friday (Oct. 21), continuing a busy spaceflight stretch...