Astronauts found an “unexpected odor” after trying to open the door to a new cargo spacecraft at...
Space travel is incredibly demanding on the human body, subjecting astronauts to a range of challenges: exposure...
The James Webb Space Telescope’s brand-new image of the Sombrero Galaxy casts this city of stars in...
SpaceX’s powerful Falcon Heavy rocket will launch yet another high-profile NASA science mission. The agency announced today...
SpaceX plans to launch yet another batch of its Starlink internet satellites from Florida’s Space Coast early...
Ariel, Uranus’s fourth largest moon, is thought to be made of equal parts rock and ice. A...
Plasma loops above sunspots viewed in ultraviolet light. Credit: DKIST/NSO/AURA/NS Research by astronomers and computer scientists at...
Precious data from space missions, going back decades, is being carefully restored and archived by scientists at...
A swarm of tiny robots destined to search for life on a faraway moon recently began its...
A camera set up on a buoy in the Indian Ocean caught the end of SpaceX’s latest...