As Russian military forces bombarded Ukraine, a congressional committee huddled to discuss progress on Artemis, the ambitious...
Science & Astronomy
China’s first Mars rover reveals how weather and ancient water changed the surface of the largest impact...
A burned-out stellar core produced a shockwave that pushed particles to their theoretical speed limit, scientists have...
As planetary scientists resumed meeting in person, Venus experts had something special to celebrate. For decades, the...
Credit: Curtin University Drones have become ubiquitous in recent years. From recently discovering the Endurance to participating...
Artist’s conception of a starship – called the Starshot Lightsail – accelerating away from Earth. The craft...
A sample of moon rock collected during the Apollo 17 mission is opened by NASA 50 years...
Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at SUNY Stony Brook and the Flatiron Institute, host of “Ask a...
Could Russia crash the ISS? Credit: NASA Nearly three decades of close collaboration in space between Russia...