The hunt for an Earth-like planet shielded with a protective atmosphere has so far eluded scientists, but...
Science & Astronomy
An artist’s impression of how Saturn may look in the next hundred million years. The innermost rings...
In 2021, astronomers proposed a new class of exoplanets that contain hydrogen-rich atmospheres and support vast liquid-water...
From the deck of a cruise ship off the coast of Australia, I witnessed a rare “hybrid-total” solar...
The moon will pass into the outer shadow of the Earth on Friday (May 5), creating an...
Cosmic rays coming from ultrapowerful sources in the distant universe can pose risks to humans on Earth...
Tiny black holes may have had a big impact on the early universe. A large population of...
On April 30, 2015, NASA’s MESSENGER Mercury mission came to an end when the spacecraft intentionally crashed...
Moonquakes may be be smoothing out the surfaces of moons orbiting gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn,...
Mercury’s comet-like tail streaks across the sky in this image captured April 12. (Image credit: Dr. Sebastian...