NASA has selected five science experiments that it will fund to study the sun and Earth during...
Science & Astronomy
Two Russian cosmonauts spent six hours outside the International Space Station on Thursday (June 22) cleaning up...
On June 22, 2000, NASA announced possible evidence of present-day liquid water on Mars. Scientists analyzed data...
A mountain of discarded clothes in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile has reached such huge proportions...
Miguel Claro is a professional photographer, author and science communicator based in Lisbon, Portugal, who creates spectacular images...
The European-Japanese BepiColombo spacecraft took this stunning sequence of images of its target planet Mercury during a...
A faraway cosmic explosion is evidence of a never-before-seen type of stellar death, a new study suggests....
An infamous “space peanut” is fittingly salty: Tiny salt crystals have been found in a peanut-shaped asteroid,...
Earth seems to shake more after intense cosmic radiation hits its surface, a new study suggests. The...
Two Russian cosmonauts will perform a roughly seven-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station today (June 22),...