As we go into the final days of November, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s GOES-East...
Science & Astronomy
In late October, torrential rain caused a series of flash floods across southern and eastern Spain —...
Saturday Night Live is, first and foremost, supposed to be a funny TV show — but it...
Comets — those small, icy objects orbiting the sun — act like floating time capsules, offering a...
Landslides and tremors may transform the asteroid Apophis during its 2029 brush with Earth, according to a...
NASA is preparing for the retirement of the International Space Station (ISS) by figuring out the best...
Impact features on Venus may have been staring us in the face all along That’s the message...
The powerful James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a phenomenon once thought impossible. Astronomers trained the instrument...
Despite ample reporting to the contrary, multiple news outlets are still running misleading new articles claiming that...
The hungriest known black hole in the early universe has been found, thanks to teamwork between NASA’s...