The Hubble Space Telescope has stepped on the tails of 12 interacting galaxies and found them to...
Science & Astronomy
They’re holding on for dear life. Dance Macabre In an unusual discovery, using NASA’s James Webb Space...
“If Mimas hides a global ocean, this means that liquid water could lie almost anywhere.” Seaing Is...
The sun has unleashed a powerful X-class solar flare today, peaking at 8:10 a.m. (1310 GMT) and...
The latest fissure to break open and spew lava in southwestern Iceland. A river of magma flowed...
Observed and modeled soil moisture trends for the period 2011–2020. JJA surface soil moisture trends from 2011...
Diagram of the experimental setup (not to scale): Photoactivation of a single molecule of bR. Credit: Steven...
The new moon occurs Feb. 9, at 17:59 p.m. EST (2259 GMT), in New York, according to...
“What came first, the galaxy or its monster black hole?” Technically, it’s an even more ancient riddle...
There might be an undiscovered treatise hidden within a Renaissance astronomy book. One of two astronomy books...