The United States Space Force has activated its first and only unit dedicated to targeting other nations’...
The U.S. Air Force has announced the winners of its first-of-its-kind satellite hacking contest. This year’s Hack-A-Sat...
Satellite imagery captured by the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday (Aug. 12) shows the Hawaiian island...
Example for the summer drought in 2018 at the Polder Zarnekow, Germany. Credit: Torsten Sachs, Vegetation...
Tropical Pacific nutrient limitation transition. a, Concentrations of nitrate and dissolved Fe (dFe), with vertical axes scaled according...
Visual shows the new generation of Fengyun geostationary weather satellites. Credit: National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological...
Annual Mean Light Pollution Peak. Credit: ICM-CSIC A new research by a team from the Institut de...
The Green Bank Telescope is the world’s largest, fully-steerable telescope. A team from UCLA used it to...
Visual depiction of Kessler syndrome. Credit: NASA Orbital Debris Program Office A few years ago, there was...
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A new scientific study shows how periods of drought affect photosynthesis throughout the...