The High Republic era, set between the famous Old Republic period of the Star Wars galaxy and...
Notorious Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett’s stock in the “Star Wars” universe has soared ever since his...
NASA has launched a new computer game to help kids learn about solar eclipses ahead of the...
Other key Star Wars characters: — Who is Hera Syndulla? — Who Bo-Katan Kryze? — Who is...
The Wow! signal is one of the great astronomy puzzles of the past 50 years, but it’s...
“Constellation” is back up this week with a strong sixth episode that expands the show’s borders once...
Since the tragic explosion of the space shuttle Challenger 73 seconds after liftoff on Jan. 28, 1986,...
Pop open a warm Nuka-Cola, strap on some power armor and gulp down this radical full trailer...
The iron-fisted rule and cruel tyranny of “Star Wars'” evil Galactic Empire has been a source of...
It can get lonely in outer space. Hollywood has examined how intrepid space travelers cope with universal...