The makers of the popular spaceflight simulation video game Kerbal Space Program (KSP) paired up with real-life...
‘Spaceman’ sees Adam Sandler shine as a cosmonaut in crisis in Netflix’s somber sci-fi film (review)
‘Spaceman’ sees Adam Sandler shine as a cosmonaut in crisis in Netflix’s somber sci-fi film (review)
In a stripped-down departure from his comedic roles in films like “Happy Gilmore,” “Billy Madison” and “The...
Minecraft enthusiasts can now take their construction projects to the moon. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)...
It’s not every week that we receive a new, big-budget sci-fi show from Apple, so that alone...
2024 looks like a great year for science fiction. Adding to the geeky thrills this year is...
Beaming in from the Delta Quadrant and straight onto your bookshelf is prolific “Star Trek” author David...
The moon is hard. Citing safety concerns and developmental issues still being finalized, NASA announced on Jan....
Scientists and mission planners are investigating how long-term space travel affects the human mind and body, as...
The “Star Wars” Togruta Jedi known as Ahsoka Tano was first introduced in the 2008 animated feature “Star...
Prepare yourself for an out-there experience with Netflix’s “Spaceman.” Fans of science fiction have a lot to...