A big solar outburst over the weekend might produce bright auroras here on Earth tonight (Feb. 14)....
Look out, everyone: There’s a new exoplanet in town. An international team of researchers searching for transiting...
Update, 9:51 a.m. EDT: JAXA has postponed the launch to Thursday, Feb. 16 due to weather, as...
While all eyes have been on the famous green comet, formally named C/2022 E3 (ZTF), another comet...
A well-timed plasma eruption from the sun delivered a Valentine Day’s night of auroral splendor for skywatchers...
James Webb Space Telescope opens Pandora’s Cluster in stunning image with help from Einstein (video)
James Webb Space Telescope opens Pandora’s Cluster in stunning image with help from Einstein (video)
In Greek mythology, Pandora’s curiosity leads her to open a container that releases all of the evils...
A new image from the Hubble Space Telescope proves that astronomers don’t have to look very far...
Physicists have replicated the kind of gravitational field found in or near the sun using sound waves...
Seeds sent along with a Chinese astronaut mission have been returned to Pakistan following a six-month-long stay...
Russia has pushed the launch of its next Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) into...