On March 23, 1840, a New Yorker named John William Draper became the first person to take...
Launch company Virgin Orbit is returning a “small” team to operations from furlough to prepare for its...
A new video filmed from the second stage of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket high above Earth...
A video of a fireball streaking across the sky likely shows a Chinese rocket section that burned...
An image of a crater rim near the lunar south pole shows how NASA’s latest lunar camera...
NASA just reached a big milestone in moon rocket assembly. The agency’s crewed Artemis 2 mission, which...
Global sea levels rose more slowly in 2022 than models predicted. But there’s no reason to celebrate,...
Last Friday night (March 17), as many were marking the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day by quenching...
Relativity Space is ready to make another attempt at its debut liftoff. The company plans to launch...
The moon has a date with Jupiter tonight (March 22), with the two bodies sharing the same...