“Loki,” Disney+’s Marvel Cinematic Universe solo spinoff, had its fair share of admirers for its six-episode debut...
Sitting about 9.7 billion light-years from Earth lies a (very) hefty galaxy cluster with a mass equivalent...
With a little luck, we may soon be in for a fine meteor shower. Circumstances this year...
Voyager 2 is still broadcasting a “heartbeat” from deep space after a communications breakdown. NASA’s long-running Voyager...
August is an exciting month for moon lovers, with the summer month opening and closing with a...
Hello. What have we here? “Solo: A Star Wars Story” is not likely to ever be confused...
As it turns out, the two Barbie dolls that recently went on display at the Smithsonian are...
Update for 1:30 p.m. ET: NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) issued a statement on Twitter that they...
On Aug. 1, 1968, NASA canceled the production of its Saturn V moon rocket. The giant rocket...
A new space weather sensor is heading to the International Space Station to help scientists understand how...