A recently discovered green comet, named Nishimura, has survived its close encounter with the sun and begun...
Actor Tom Hanks, who famously played a real-life moon astronaut, says he’d love to take a space...
Scientists in the U.K. have created mini, seed-sized nuclear fuel cells that could power futuristic flower-shaped reactors...
A rocket carrying a U.S. Space Force satellite into orbit may have punched a hole in Earth’s...
Engineers at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) have begun attempts to wake the Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander...
It’s the final countdown. NASA’s $1 billion OSIRIS-REx sample return mission is less than 48 hours away...
El Niño is coming. Or, rather, El Niño is already here. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography...
The James Webb Space Telescope has identified carbon dioxide originating from the salty liquid oceans of Jupiter’s...
On Sept. 22, 2006,the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency launched a sun-observing satellite called Hinode, or Solar-B. It...
As “Star Trek’s” main science advisor since 2019, astrophysicist Erin Macdonald knows a thing or two about...