After arriving in orbit around the moon on Christmas Day, Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)...
For those who follow news related to anomalous flying objects, 2023 will be remembered as the year...
It isn’t yet clear when humans will finally begin spending multiple years (perhaps even decades) in space...
NASA is building a roadmap for robots that could visit ocean worlds through future space missions and...
I’m used to seeing old moon spacecraft surrounded by museum crowds. So it was rather strange in...
The final full moon of 2023, December’s Cold Full Moon, will rise on Tuesday (Dec. 26) in...
It has been a busy year for NASA with the agency’s solid list of historic missions and...
As NASA’s second Artemis mission gets closer to launch, part of a program that’s preparing for humanity’s...
Amazon’s upcoming satellite broadband network, dubbed “Project Kuiper,” just passed a key test test that paves the...
While investigating a site in the US Southwest, archaeologists discovered a series of ancient rock carvings that...