A new experiment designed to search the cosmos for its most mysterious “stuff,” dark matter, has delivered...
It has been over two decades since the discovery of dark energy. Scientists have therefore had more...
In October 2023, a trio of sounding rockets traveled more than 200 miles (322 kilometers) into the...
In science, it’s often said that the data doesn’t care what you think. That is especially true...
SpaceX is set to launch yet another batch of its internet satellites to orbit early this morning...
Some 90s trends have made very welcome comebacks; others, no one needs to see ever again. Unlike...
Striking new photos show a perfect dashed line of light left behind by a dying SpaceX rocket...
SpaceX is set to launch of its 21 Starlink broadband satellites tonight (April 5), on the second...
A NASA astronaut, a Russian cosmonaut and the first female Belarusian in space will leave the space...
In the year 1181, an extraordinarily bright supernova lit up the night sky like a firework for an...