“Transformers One” aims to return the long-running ‘Robots in Disguise’ franchise to its animated roots, and it...
Chris Carberry is CEO of Explore Mars, Inc. and author of “The Music of Space” and “Alcohol...
If we discover alien life, what will it look like? We have no way of knowing, but...
SpaceX is set to launch its 40th mission of the year this evening (April 18). A Falcon...
Rocket Lab is taking a big step toward its first-ever rocket reflight. On Jan. 31, one of...
A pair of small experimental satellites have begun tests related to future lunar communication and navigation services...
LONDON — Japan is on track to beam solar power from space to Earth next year, two...
NASA’s space-based solar observatory STEREO-A is keeping a close eye on ‘Devil Comet’ 12P/Pons-Brooks as it prepares...
A space-junk removal satellite launched for Japanese company Astroscale has completed rendezvous maneuvers with its target and...
The Lunar Environment Monitoring Station (LEMS) is one of the first three potential payloads NASA selected for...