While examining a nearby supernova with NASA’s Fermi gamma-ray space telescope, an effort meant to discover how...
Our sun is known for its occasional outburst of energy called a solar flare, which can trigger...
The first woman slated to launch to the moon has delivered one of the first trees grown...
The usual disappointments aside, there are plenty of great sci-fi movies and shows, and our options have...
Seasonal, spider-like features have been spotted sprouting through cracks in Mars’ surface. The European Space Agency’s Mars...
Late last year, NASA scientists pressed start on a highly anticipated space mission. Basically, they launched a...
Space junk just got an epic close-up. The ADRAS-J satellite, operated by the Japanese company Astroscale, successfully...
When we picture what’s in deep space, we often think of static images — colorful composites of...
North America has experienced two transcontinental total solar eclipses within the last seven years, and these satellite...
Happy Alien Day 2024! “Alien Day” (April 26) has arrived, that annual occasion for all xenomorph acolytes...