The teams behind two potential new space telescopes have embarked on their final design studies as they...
Haribo is adding its own “cosmic” taste to Thanksgiving by launching Goldbear (and its friends) where no...
The four NASA astronauts currently living on the International Space Station (ISS) just wished all of us...
Scientists have discovered that a sample of the asteroid Ryugu was overrun with Earth-based life forms after...
NASA’s Europa Clipper mission has successfully deployed two of its science instruments as it makes its way...
SpaceX just notched a big spaceflight milestone. A Falcon 9 rocket carrying 24 of the company’s Starlink...
Astronomers have discovered a group of dwarf galaxies that are unusually aligned in a near-straight line, with...
Near Space Labs, a New York-based startup, has deployed a network of high-altitude balloons equipped with advanced...
A temporary mini-moon snared by Earth’s gravity for nearly two months before departing back into the solar...
China has deorbited a cargo spacecraft that earlier this year delivered supplies to the country’s space station....