Astronauts experience significant muscle loss as a result of being in microgravity, but new drugs designed to...
Enough water to cover the surface of Mars has been discovered within the crust of the Red...
The moon’s glow meets a multicolored aurora in a new astronaut image from space. International Space Station...
Soaring in from a galaxy far, far away and directly into the hallowed limelight of D23 is...
Astronomers are investigating clues from a cosmic crime scene in which a massive star died and left...
A decade ago, scientists at the European Space Agency (ESA) had just wrapped up the yearslong process...
A scathing report from NASA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has highlighted several critical issues related to...
The Chinese commercial space firm CAS Space is making serious progress on a new, reusable rocket. CAS...
Astronomers have discovered a new star that is 30 times larger than the sun and could force...
Hollywood’s live-action infatuation with Hasbro’s “robots in disguise” began with the 2007 “Transformers,” starring Shia Leboeuf and...