Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain One of Brazil’s top scientists, Eneas Salati, once said, “The best thing you...
Vocal muscle activity of birds during sleep can be translated into synthetic songs. Credit: Romina Kuppe and...
Researchers used unmanned aerial vehicle images superimposed on centimeter-resolution topography to study the surface rupture of the...
Aerial image showing the destruction of native vegetation in the Cerrado savanna in Sao Desiderio, Brazil. Fast...
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A reaction wheel—one of the heaviest parts of a space mission, its changing...
The density distributions of three subsamples from Gaia DR3 with different proper motion ranges are shown with...
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The Himalayas stand as Earth’s highest mountain range, possibly the highest ever. How...
The new analysis of building footprints in major US metropolitan areas identifies five different neighborhood types that...
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A total solar eclipse swept across North America yesterday, blocking out the sun...
Time series and spatial patterns highlighting the teleconnection between ENSO and West Antarctica. Credit: Geophysical Research Letters...