In 1979, Alan Cummings, a scientist working on NASA’s unprecedented Voyager mission, entered a Caltech room in...
NASA expects the SpaceX Starship to land astronauts on the moon, as soon as 2026.The largest rocket...
The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 will bring some solar system worlds into view. For those...
Around 11,000 years ago, a giant star exploded. But its corpse remains. Astronomers used a powerful camera...
SpaceX’s colossal Starship reached orbital speed for the first time as well as demonstrated a first step...
The Pentagon firmly discredited several claims that the U.S. government has covered up evidence of space aliens...
Well folks, it’s still not aliens.It’s common for speeding rocks from space to blow up in our...
The corona isn’t the only thing optimistic eclipse chasers will try to see when the moon completely...
NASA suspects that the ice-clad moon Europa harbors a deep, deep sea — reaching some 40 to...
If you’ve ever thought about the first stars after the Big Bang, you might have racked your...