As the space around Earth becomes increasingly cluttered with human-made junk, scientists are ramping up their efforts...
Day: May 24, 2024
Scientists have discovered strong evidence that some massive stars end their existence with a whimper, not a...
The SpaceX launches just keep on coming. A Falcon 9 rocket launched 23 more of SpaceX’s Starlink...
NASA’s mission to the metal-rich asteroid 16 Psyche has fired up its ion engines and is now...
By George Dvorsky Published5 hours agoUpdated5 hours ago Comments (16) We may earn a commission from links...
It’s “like watching a star suddenly extinguish and disappear from the heavens.” Haze of Glory Stars shouldn’t...
Illustration of nationwide greenhouses mapping in China. Credit: Geo-spatial Information Science (2024). DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2024.2328100 China’s Earth Observation...
During Walrus From Space field work in Svalbard, Norway, Peter Fretwell and Hannah Cubaynes (both BAS) operate...
A researcher climbs General Sherman, the world’s largest tree, in Sequoia National Park, Calif. on Tuesday, May...