Despite the failure of the first U.S. commercial lunar lander to ever operate in space, Astrobotic Technology...
Day: March 19, 2024
In 2009, theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde proposed a radical reformulation of gravity. In his theory, gravity is...
This evening, we will have a change of the seasons: The occurrence of the vernal equinox, marking...
Locations of in situ data for four water parameters examined in this study. Credit: Journal of Remote Sensing...
Sure it will. While it may seem like SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is spending most of his...
“Irregular satellites collisionally grind really effectively.” Saturn’s Arrakis A good chunk of Saturn’s largest moon Titan is...
March 18, 2024 | By Greg Hadley Share Article The Space Force is ramping up its plans...
An enormous map of the universe has been assembled from the positions of almost 1.3 million quasars;...
As we get closer to the time of the April 8 solar eclipse, you no doubt have...
The High Republic era, set between the famous Old Republic period of the Star Wars galaxy and...