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On This Day In Space: Sept. 17, 1789: Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon Mimas discovered

On Sept. 17, 1789, the British astronomer William Herschel discovered Saturn’s “Death Star” moon, Mimas.

Of course, “Star Wars” wasn’t a thing at the time, and no one had ever heard of something called a “Death Star.” But there’s no denying that this moon looks just like it.

Meet Mimas in Photos: Saturn’s Death Star Moon

Saturn’s moon Mimas bears an uncanny resemblance to the Death Star in Star Wars. (Image credit: NASA)

Anyway, Herschel was a guy who liked to build telescopes and discover things, like the planet Uranus, tiny moons around Jupiter and Saturn, and other stuff out there in space. Shortly after he invented a huge new kind of reflecting telescope called the Herschelian telescope, he spotted Mimas orbiting Saturn.

Mimas is super tiny with a diameter of less than 250 miles. It is the smallest known spherical body in space that is held together by self-gravitation.

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