Starting with his Superman reboot, James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy movies, The Suicide Squad) aims to...
Everybody loves an invigorating space-based yarn that employs speculative interpretations of historic events — especially if that...
The usual disappointments aside, there are plenty of great sci-fi movies and shows, and our options have...
Happy Alien Day 2024! “Alien Day” (April 26) has arrived, that annual occasion for all xenomorph acolytes...
With “Atlas,” Netflix is clearly embracing bombastic summer spectacle in the vein of Amazon’s “The Tomorrow War.”...
Watch On With NASA’s return to the moon with Artemis 3 tentatively scheduled to touch down at...
First launched for a limited run back in October of last year, “Deep Sky” is a dazzling...
Pushing past the mounting publisher controversies over pricing and annoying rumblings heard about the lead character’s digital...
While Marvel Studios has been struggling a bit recently with underwhelming big-screen entries such as The Marvels,...
On Friday (April 19), the second half of director Zack Snyder’s “Rebel Moon” space opera spectacle takes...